different devices

Place Your Order

Ordering heating oil together we help every member at WOPEC achieve a great price. Place your order with us and we will take care of finding the best price for all our members.

wopec certificate

We Order

After we have found the best price with a list of trusted oil distributors. We will then place the order for all our members. This means we have the buying power to get a great price.

oiler tanker

Your Oil Is Delivered

Heating oil is delivered to you in the normal manner with you paying the oil distributor direct. It’s that easy to get a good price on oil with WOPEC, so JOIN NOW and discover the savings you can make.  

Terms & Conditions

By joining WOPEC and ordering oil you agree by default to the Terms & Conditions stated below.

  • The minimum oil order is for 500 litres. If you order over 2300 litres you may be required to sign a disclaimer by the oil supplier, stating that your oil order is only for domestic use. If you are a business, then you will pay 20% VAT as opposed to a domestic user paying 5% VAT.
  • It  is a mandatory requirement of membership that ALL orders must be placed through the Members Area of the WOPEC web site as under NO circumstances are verbal orders by telephone or e-mail accepted.  However, we do allow a third party to order oil on your behalf through our “WOPEC Buddy” system but again only through the web site.  Contact the WOPEC coordinator for further information. 
  • No responsubility is accepted by WOPEC or its coordinator if accurate information is not displayed on your membership application form, in particular with regard to Access information or any other problems that might impede delivery or potentially harm the tanker driver  e.g. Aggressive dog or dangerous site conditions.
  •  NO orders will be accepted for heating oil after midnight on the day before we place an order with an oil distributor.  If you miss this deadline then you will need to contact the supplier direct who may NOT accept your order or wish to contact WOPEC to confirm your membership.  In the meantime the price could increase with you NOT receiving the price originally agreed between WOPEC and the supplier.
  •  WOPEC will contact various oil suppliers to obtain what they consider to be the best price in conjunction with the delivery date and that this price will be accepted by you.  If you wish to cancel the order the onus is on you to contact the Oil Distributor direct using the information provided on the Members Page of our web site.
  • I understand that WOPEC will place an order with its chosen supplier and thereafter the contract for the supply of oil will be solely between the    supplier and me and responsibility for the performance of such contract (e.g. in relation to delivery, connection, billing, payment etc) lies entirely  with the supplier and myself.
  •  I agree that no responsibility is assumed by WOPEC for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instruction or ideas detailed at this website or from WOPEC partner suppliers or their agents. 
  • You will be invoiced directly by the oil supplier and you will  settle this account according to their payment criteria either prior to, on, or directly after the delivery date.
  • I understand that the Witheridge Oil Purchase Energy Cooperative known as WOPEC, or its coordinator, does not accept any responsibility for the settlement of individual accounts.
  • You give permission for your name, address & telephone numbers to be forwarded to the company that we have chosen to deliver your oil but we will not divulge your e-mail address to them.
  • We will attempt to comply with all aspects of the Data Protection Act 1998 and will not divulge your name, address, telephone numbers, e-mail address or any other personal information to any individuals or organisations without your consent.
  • It is a manatory requirement of membership that our fee of £30 is automatically collected by Direct Debit through London & Zurich annually until such time as you cancel the arrangement.  The following will appear on your bank statement every time a payment is made:  L&Z re WOPEC Heating OIl
  • You will inform us of any change in your address or contact details and if you do not we cannot be held responsible for oil being sent to the wrong address.
  • If you wish to discontinue your membership the onus is on you to either contact WOPEC to cancel the Direct Debit or to cancel it yourself.  If this is not carried out your fee will be reimbursed to you minus a £10 administrative charge.    
  • No membership fee is returned if you have already ordered oil in any part of the current year, as the “profit” you make by ordering just once normally pays for your fee.  
  • Heating Oil will only be delivered to the name and  address that is inserted onto the Membership form when you joined WOPEC.  If you want oil delivered to another name and address even if it is at the same location then a further £30 annual membership fee needs to be paid.
  • If we do not receive our annual fee we will not accept an oil order from you until we have received payment for the outstanding amount/s.  
  • Our fee is paid one year in advance with NO part of it being refundable in the event you move house outside of our order area, cannot receive oil for the reasons mentioned in the last three bullet points, cannot receive oil because the oil company does not have a ‘Mini’ tanker or you decide for what ever reason to cease being a member of WOPEC.
  • agree that WOPEC shall have no liability to me for any claims that may rise between the supplier and me for any supply contract I may take out with them and the invoicing / payment thereafter.
  • You agree to maintain your oil tank in good condition.  You also accept that oil companies have the right to refuse to deliver your oil if they consider your tank contravenes government or OFTEC regulations relating to health & safety or be a potential pollution hazard.
  • If you normally have oil delivered by ‘Mini / Baby Tanker’ there may be occasions when WOPEC has selected a company that does not possess one.  If this were to happen then you WOULD NOT be able to receive oil through WOPEC on that occasion.
  • Your order increases our negotiating power giving us a better discount so once  submitted we normally regard it as binding.  However, you may on a few occasions cancel your order direct with the supplier if you consider the price not good enough.  BUT continued cancellation of orders or any other abuse of this condition will result in termination of membership.
  • Our annual fee is due each year on the anniversary date of your first payment.  If a payment is missed but subsequently paid it will be back dated to the anniversay date. 
  • If our annual membership fee of £30 is not received the member will be sent an e-mail reminder to pay the fee within 14 days. If the fee is not received we will assume that they no longer wish to remain a member with the membership being terminated and details removed from our data base. Should they subsequently decide to rejoin  WOPEC within one year then an administration fee of £10 will be incurred as well as the membership fee.
  • The onus is on all WOPEC members to obtain Post Order Information through the Members Page of this web site so as to ensure that their oil order is delivered without any problems occuring. WOPEC will NOT be held responsible if the member does not comply with this mandate and as a result they do not receive the discounted price, or their order is not delivered.
  • WOPEC will not accept responsibility if you place an order giving inaccurate or insufficient information resulting in the order not being delivered or being sent to the wrong address. 
  • Bad language or abusive behaviour to both WOPEC or any Oil distributor employees will not be accepted and will result in immediate termination of your membership with non return of membership fee.     
  • We reserve the right to cancel any membership for what ever cause without having to justify the reason.
  • We reserve the right to alter these terms and conditions at any time.

Please make a special note of the following bullet points. They occur very rarely but when they do the following three conditions will apply

  • The price of Heating Oil is the same for all members of WOPEC regardless of how large the order is.  The exception to this may be on rare occasions when WOPEC has selected the cheapest supplier which does not normally deliver to certain areas within Devon & Somerset, in which case a small delivery surcharge may apply to members residing in that area.
  •  There may be occasions when an oil supplier has given us a very good price but will NOT under any circumstances deliver to certain areas of Devon & Somerset.  WOPEC always considers the best price for the majority of its members, so when the above happens then you would NOT be able to receive oil via WOPEC on that occasion.  
  •  Similar to above there may also be an occasion when a supplier will NOT  deliver to an individual without other deliveries taking place nearby.  If this were  to happen then we cannot be held responsible and you will not be able to order oil through WOPEC on that occasion.   WOPEC gets good prices by placing large orders with oil suppliers on the understanding that ALL deliveries take place within a small geographical area enabling the company to reduce their delivery costs.  It is in the interest of all members to encourage near neighbours to join WOPEC so as to ensure that the situation described above does not apply to them.